utorok 19. apríla 2016

Rovnoramenné váhy 2

Equal arm balance 2

vešiak,špajdľu,2 rovnaké kelímky , papier, fixky, šnúrku , malú šípku,ryžu, vrchnák z pera.

A clothes hanger, a wooden stick, 2 equally sized plastic cups, paper, felt-tip pens, string, a little arrow, rice, a pen cap.

Postup výroby:
  1. Najskôr sme prilepili špajdľu na stred vešiaku.
  2. Potom sme si na koniec špajdle pripli malú šípku.
  3. Na kelímky sme si spravili dierky, prevliekli sme cez ne šnúrku a pripli sme na vešiak.
  4. Z papiera sme si vystrihli polkruh a nakreslili sme si na ňu fixkou stupnicu.
  5. Na dalšiu šnúrku sme si prilepili  stupnicu a pripli na vešiak.
  6. A mohli sme sa pustiť do merania.
Production process:

  1. Firstly we glued the wooden stick in the centre of the hanger.
  2. Then we glued the little arrow at one end of the stick.
  3. We made a hole into each cup, put the string through the holes and attached it to the hanger.  
  4. We cut a semi-circle out of the paper and drew a scale on it using a felt-tip pen.
  5. We glued the scale on another piece of string and attached it to the hanger.
  6. Finally we could start measuring.

Jednotkou hmotnosti na našich rovnoramenných váhach bolo 1 zrnko ryže. 
Označili sme ho RŽ
Vrchnák z pera má hmotnosť 329 zrniek ryže.

Zapíšeme: m =329 RŽ 
Konštruktéri: Matej P. a Martin K.

The unit of weight on our equal arm balance was one grain of rice. 
We labelled it RŽ
A pen cap weighs 329 grains of rice.
Denoted as: m = 329 RŽ 
Constructors: Matej P. and Martin K.

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