Equal arm balance 2
vešiak,špajdľu,2 rovnaké kelímky , papier, fixky, šnúrku , malú šípku,ryžu, vrchnák z pera.
A clothes hanger, a wooden stick, 2 equally sized plastic cups, paper, felt-tip pens, string, a little arrow, rice, a pen cap.
Postup výroby:
- Najskôr sme prilepili špajdľu na stred vešiaku.
- Potom sme si na koniec špajdle pripli malú šípku.
- Na kelímky sme si spravili dierky, prevliekli sme cez ne šnúrku a pripli sme na vešiak.
- Z papiera sme si vystrihli polkruh a nakreslili sme si na ňu fixkou stupnicu.
- Na dalšiu šnúrku sme si prilepili stupnicu a pripli na vešiak.
- A mohli sme sa pustiť do merania.
Production process:
- Firstly we glued the wooden stick in the centre of the hanger.
- Then we glued the little arrow at one end of the stick.
- We made a hole into each cup, put the string through the holes and attached it to the hanger.
- We cut a semi-circle out of the paper and drew a scale on it using a felt-tip pen.
- We glued the scale on another piece of string and attached it to the hanger.
- Finally we could start measuring.
Jednotkou hmotnosti na našich rovnoramenných váhach bolo 1 zrnko ryže.
Označili sme ho RŽ
Vrchnák z pera má hmotnosť 329 zrniek ryže.
Zapíšeme: m =329 RŽ
Konštruktéri: Matej P. a Martin K.
The unit of weight on our equal arm balance was one grain of rice.
We labelled it RŽ
A pen cap weighs 329 grains of rice.
Denoted as: m = 329 RŽ
Constructors: Matej P. and Martin K.
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