String telephone: the effect of cup shape on sound spread:
veľký a malý kužeľovitý kelímok, plechovka od piva - valcovitý kelímok, jutový špagát - 1m, PC, mikrofón, aplikácia Audacity.
A large and a small conical cup, a beer can –
cylindrical cup, 1m long jute string, a PC, a microphone, Audacity app.
Záver: Pri valcovitom tvare kelímkov dochádza
k tlmeniu zvuku. Kužeľovitý tvar umožňuje prenos slov zrozumiteľnejšie ako
valcovitý tvar. Väčší kelímok umožňuje lepší prenos zvuku ako menší kelímok.
Conclusion: The cylindrical cup shape muffles the sound. The conical cup shape allows a clearer transmission of words than the cylindrical one. A larger sized cup enables a better transmission of sound than a smaller one.
Conclusion: The cylindrical cup shape muffles the sound. The conical cup shape allows a clearer transmission of words than the cylindrical one. A larger sized cup enables a better transmission of sound than a smaller one.
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