Zahrali sme sa hru na telefón: V telocvični sme sa postavili do radu. „Zapli“ sme naše telefóny. Prvý vymyslel slovné spojenie - vetu a povedal ju do telefónu susedovi. Sused ju poslal ďalej cez telefón ďalšiemu susedovi atď. Keď sa veta dostala k poslednému hráčovi povedal ju nahlas. No dosť sme sa nasmiali...
The Šmáliks: The telephone game
We played the telephone game. We lined up in
the school gym. We “turned on” our telephones. The first person came up with a
phrase – a sentence and told it over the phone to the neighbour. The neighbour
then passed it on to another neighbour and so on. When the sentence reached the
last player, he/she said it out loud. We certainly laughed a lot.
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