- umele vlákna,
- liečiva,
- decht,
- farbivá
- kozmetické prípravky.
Now I know why coal is not used only for heating...
It was at the beginning of this century, when
some chemists realized that coal does not only have to be burned.
- synthetic fibres
- drugs
- tar
- colouring
- cosmetics
I simply decided to a good inservice this could a worthwhile element in the early stages. https://imgur.com/a/Sr82UEe https://imgur.com/a/2b12aQZ https://imgur.com/a/wKOxuwV https://imgur.com/a/oVOhluT https://imgur.com/a/pRqCCYh https://imgur.com/a/0CN0eSk https://imgur.com/a/mErXR1q